Donate Give Now

Your gifts, no matter how big or small, helps us change lives! Last year we provided services to more than 225 families on more than 2,600 occasions. With your support, the children, adults, and families we serve are more productive, have greater independence, and are empowered to contribute to their communities. Thank you for joining our family!

Sponsor Sponsor SNSC

Our sponsorship program creates visibility, networking opportunities, and philanthropic affiliation for businesses like yours. But more importantly, our sponsorship program gives you a way to feel good about giving locally to a non-profit that is helping your neighbors with disabilities to be productive, have greater independence, and to live happy lives.

Volunteer Volunteer

SNSC provides a variety of opportunities for volunteers – for both individuals interested in working directly with youth and adults with disabilities and those who want to “help out around the house.” We regularly enlist the help of businesses, church groups, youth programs, and others to help us on various projects.

Here are some ways you can get involved:

  • Work one-on-one with kids and teens through our Aspire Program, including Summer Camp, our new After School Program, and our weekly Saturday recreation program.
  • Support adults with disabilities through our Happenings Events. “Happenings” is a regularly scheduled social activities program for adults with special needs. Volunteers support a rich variety of activities including but not limited to day trips, field trips with Zack’s Place, apple picking, and dances. Volunteers help everyone stay safe & have fun, support participants in the activities, and socialize and build relationships with our participants and their families. We have a variety of time commitments, which could range from once a month for a few hours, to a couple of hours a week.
  • Help gather petition signatures for SNSC. Each fall SNSC is required to submit petitions to towns in order to get on town ballots and ask for annual town funding.
  • Work with teens and adults in our weekly Art Lab. Art Lab is an open studio art program for adults with special needs implemented in collaboration with SNSC and the AVA Gallery and Art Center. The participating artists get a chance to explore different media with an emphasis on creative self-expression while socializing.
  • Provide Parent Educational Support and Advocacy in all aspects of the special education and Section 504 process to promote understanding of the relevant state and federal rules, and regulations while supporting parents in clarifying their ideas and concerns regarding their child’s education.
  • Offer administrative help with various tasks and projects (such as data entry, mailings, filing, etc…).
To learn more please give us a call at 603-448-6311 or contact our Volunteer and Development Coordinator.